
Building & Zoning Services

The Village of Darien and the City of Delavan have an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for Building Inspection Services. The City's Building Inspector, T. Welsh, also serves as the Village's Building Inspector. 

Building Inspector Office Hours at Village Hall: 
  • By Appointment 

Please note that one and two-family residential building permits must be submitted online through the State's portal linked below. 

Effective December 15, 2017 the Village of Darien will only be accepting permits for new one and two family homes after the builder (or owner) has completed the State online permit. The Online Building Permit System was developed by the DSPS (Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services) to allow municipalities to gain compliance with 2015 Act 211.  The owner, builder, or agents shall complete the application form and the Online Building Permit System will route it to the enforcing jurisdiction.  Permit application data is used for statewide statistics on new one and two family dwellings, as well as the local code administration. 
After completion of the online form you may submit that printed form and the other paperwork from the Village's packet along with your plans and any other required information to the Building Inspector, as has been done in the past.  

For zoning information, please see the Geographic Information System Map or call Zoning Administrator Shannon Markley. 
Last updated 1/13/2025 12:49:24 PM